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Confidence, healthy habits, and positive affirmations

The info hub for the hub of global health

Positive affirmations

In parts of the Midwest, gender-affirming medical services can be few and far between. Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaiʻi, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky took action and expanded services for transgender and nonbinary patients in its Kentucky and Indiana clinics. The services include hormone therapy, which helps a person transition to their gender identity. Access to the services can remove barriers and provide a safer, more positive experience.

Confidence and trust

Studies have shown a problematic lack of diversity in vaccine trials—which can lead to a mistrust of vaccines and the health care industry. Not only is it important to study how vaccines affect different groups of people, but diverse trials increase trust and vaccine confidence in more communities.

When the initial enrollment of COVID-19 vaccine trials mostly consisted of white individuals, the COVID-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN), based at Fred Hutch, focused on building relationships and trust within BIPOC communities to increase diversity. Because of these community engagement efforts, 47% of participants in the later COVID-19 clinical trials at CoVPN sites identified as BIPOC.

Healthy habits

For a variety of reasons, type 2 diabetes is on the rise in youth. Seattle Children’s announced a brand new clinic specifically for pediatric patients with type 2 diabetes. This isn’t just any clinic—it provides wraparound services from endocrinology physicians, an athletic trainer, dietitians, social workers, and a psychologist to address the various factors. The program includes a focus on good nutrition, meal planning, and exercise—healthy habits we could all use.

Youth well-being

The pandemic has been so challenging for youth and adolescents that national pediatric associations released the Declaration of a National Emergency in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Though the pandemic isn’t the only factor impacting youth mental health, it brought it into the spotlight as the negative effects continue to rise.

For the first time, UNICEF USA focused on youth mental health in its State of the World’s Children report. The report examines child, adolescent, and caregiver mental health while calling for a commitment to protect the health of every child. According to UNICEF, an estimated 10% to 20% of children suffer from a mental health issue, so we’re on board to protect, support, and heal kids around the world.

Critical support

Medical Teams International received two new grants from the US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration to expand health services for Venezuelan migrants in Colombia and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. The programs support COVID-19 prevention education, improve access to medical care and COVID-19 case management, and provide mental health services. Medical Teams will also be able to expand the number of community health volunteers to reach even more people in need of medical care.

Zoomin’ around town

  • Nov. 9: Register for Take Your Own Elephant–10 Tips on Effective Advocacy, hosted by Women in Global Health – Georgia, USA.

  • Nov. 11: Join Medical Teams International’s monthly virtual meetup to get an inside look at the organization and how its partners, volunteers, and initiatives are bringing hope and healing to the world.

  • Nov. 16: Tune in for COVID-19 in Black: Vaccine Mandates and Black Communities, hosted by our Global Health Impact Award winner, the COVID-19 Prevention Network.


  • Listen to the latest episode of the Bay Area Global Health Alliance’s A Shot in the Arm podcast featuring Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, the new president and CEO of Global Health Council.

  • Check out Adara’s shiny new website, and prepare to be inspired.

“Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth…these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.”

–Ban Ki-moon, former United Nations Secretary-General, in his address to the 66th General Assembly

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